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Location: Home - News Center - China Pharmaceutical Internet +: Eight Big Future Trends Forecast
China Pharmaceutical Internet +: Eight Big Future Trends Forecast
Release time:2017/11/9 16:20:34      Click Times:5343

"China Pharmaceutical Internet +: Stormy, Ready" is co-edited by Deloitte China Life Science and Healthcare Industry Technology, Media and Telecoms Industry Team, Research and Insight Center. Internet mobile technology to promote cross-border industries and promote traditional industries into the reconstruction era. The convergence and iteration of the Internet mobile technology and medical and pharmaceutical industry will be inevitable. This report forecasts the future development of pharmaceutical e-commerce and online healthcare in the next 3-5 years and the evolution of medical and pharmaceutical ecosystems.
Eight major trends:
Trend One: It is expected that about 150 billion hospitals and retail terminal space will be converted to online
Trend 2: Medical E-commerce will promote the reconstruction of all links in the value chain
Trend Three: The pattern of e-commerce of medicine will develop in the mode of organic combination and mutual benefit and win-win
Trend 4: Medical e-commerce will promote the transformation of offline businesses
Trend Five: Internet mobile technology will reshape the offline hospital operations and service processes
Trend 7: Intelligent wearable devices into the depth of health care, hardware, software and related services will usher in tremendous room for development

Trend 8: Big data on healthcare will lead the healthcare system into the era of intelligenc.

Relatively speaking, the progress in the medical and pharmaceutical fields has been slow due to the high degree of government regulation, the complex ecosystem in the industry, the mutual segregation among the regional hospitals, the inadequate regulation and standard of the online medical and pharmaceutical industries, and the online consumption habits of the people to be cultivated And many other factors. However, it should be realized that online drug sales and medical services can effectively optimize the process, reduce costs, meet the increasingly diverse consumer needs and achieve the optimal allocation of resources, especially in the current state of scarce and unevenly distributed medical resources in China Under, has great application value.
At present, the pharmaceutical electricity supplier has entered a stage of development as the policy is gradually liberalized, though the momentum of development is weaker than that of other electricity suppliers. Pharmaceutical e-commerce will undoubtedly promote the redistribution of interests and the reconstruction of all aspects of the stakeholders in the value chain and will also promote the transformation of offline enterprises. However, the current policy remains the biggest barrier to the development of the industry. Online medical has emerged in a blossoming situation. And as the quality of online medical services improves, it will partially replace offline services and meet shallow medical needs. Internet mobile technology will further penetrate the operation and service processes of the hospital. In the continuous optimization of online and offline services, the two will closely integrate with each other and gradually break through the barriers of geographical and traditional processes to enhance the efficiency of resource allocation.
Of course, the integration of new technologies and traditional industries inevitably faces many barriers, and the overcoming of these barriers in the future will also depend on the trend of policies, the change of people's concept and the game in which all industries participate in the interests of all parties. However, it should be recognized that, given the rapid technological change, rapid industrial and operational changes, it is increasingly important for enterprises to be good at the future and act boldly. We hope this report will inspire everyone to think and discuss about e-commerce and online medical services, grasp the trend and take the initiative.
Trend One: It is expected that about 150 billion hospitals and retail terminal space will be converted to online
At present, drug sales channels mainly focus on hospital terminals and retail terminals, accounting for nearly 8: 2, while network terminals (non-prescription drugs) account for only a very small part. From the perspective of policy liberalization, the hospital sales of drugs, the possibility of hospital drug release is small, the hospital will still have absolute control; out-patient drugs will be diverted to retail terminals and online, but the injection of drugs can not be online shopping, online Transfer rate will be subject to certain restrictions. On the one hand, retail outlets are undoubtedly one of the beneficiaries after the outflow of hospital-end medicines. On the other hand, the impact of pharmacies on pharmacies is unavoidable after the policy of online prescription drugs is released .
After the policy was liberalized, the demand that had been suppressed in the past was released and the scale of the pharmaceutical e-commerce market will have substantive development. However, the market for pharmaceutical e-commerce is expected to show a steady expansion due to the gradual opening up of the sales of prescription drugs to pharmaceuticals, rather than the explosive growth of the traditional e-commerce industry.
Based on the 2015 data estimates, we forecast the changes in the scale of the pharmaceutical e-commerce providers. Once the prescription drug policy is relaxed, the existing pharmaceutical space will be expected to be converted to network terminals in hospitals and retail terminal channels:
Hospital Terminals: Approximately 70 billion outpatient medicines will be converted to internet terminals, especially outpatient non-injecting and outpatient OTC medicines
Retail terminals: About 80 billion retail terminals will be converted to network terminals
The results show that the final share of the network terminal after the conversion of drugs will be raised from 10 billion to 150 billion yuan, accounting for 10% of the overall market, the pharmaceutical electricity market into a new stage of development.
However, we expect that by 2020, due to the continuous expansion of the pharmaceutical market as a whole, continued relaxation of policies, further improvement of logistics and reduction of time constraints, as well as the promotion of consumer online shopping habits, it is optimistic that the pharmaceutical e-commerce market By that time, it is expected to reach a scale of nearly 400 billion yuan.

Trend 2: Medical E-commerce will promote the reconstruction of all links in the value chain
Traditional medicine industry value chain, pharmaceutical companies have a higher pricing power, pharmaceutical wholesale companies lower concentration and multi-level agency (national, provincial and municipal level) is more complicated. Hospitals are generally "medicine to support" the situation, reducing the pharmacy profit margins. Patients at the end of the value chain are in a very negative passive position, suffering from high drug prices. The development of pharmaceutical e-commerce will promote the reconstruction of production, distribution, distribution and end-user links in the value chain, mainly in the following seven aspects.

Pharmaceutical factory pricing power showing differentiation
There are basically no independent distribution channels for pharmaceutical manufacturers in China. The layers of the existing model not only reduce the circulation efficiency, make the prices of medicines high, rebate and kickbacks become the norm, raise the sales cost of the pharmaceutical enterprises, and increase rate control Policy has further promoted the hospital's preference for expensive drugs. Pharmaceutical e-commerce is expected to promote the compression of circulation, the choice of drugs will be more transparent and market-oriented, the price of the drug itself and the needs of users.
E-commerce platform will have a differentiation of pharmaceutical companies. First of all, for the generic pharmaceutical companies, patients can determine the most cost-effective drugs through the horizontal comparison of Internet platforms, so it is expected that the pharmaceutical companies that used to be weak in sales will gain market share. Second, for the large pharmaceutical companies and Xinte Pharmaceuticals, the new Internet channel will enable pharmaceutical companies to bring more opportunities for cash flow. If you have exclusive varieties, they will maintain their price advantage.
Drug wholesale agency industry concentration is expected to increase
At present, the pharmaceutical wholesale agency industry presents a pattern of scattered fragmentation. There are totally 16,300 pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises in China. The top three pharmaceutical wholesalers account for 29.7% of the total, with the top ten accounting for 36.3% of the total. The low concentration of drug distribution and the low degree of scale have increased the circulation costs. Therefore, although the average wholesale rate of domestic wholesale enterprises is higher than other countries such as the United States and Japan, the average cost rate is much higher, which leads to the status quo of low profits.

The future electricity supplier will mainly impact on the wholesale agency industry from two aspects: on the one hand, the electricity supplier will compress the circulation and may be negative for the industry as a whole, and the industry profit margin may be reduced; on the other hand, the large-scale agency, Effect and control of terminal resources, is expected to benefit from the concentration of the industry to climb to further expand the industry resource integration.
Pharmaceutical logistics will expand the existing market size
The future development of e-commerce will bring four aspects to the pharmaceutical logistics value chain. First of all, with the opening of prescription drugs, B2C side of the logistics market will be opened, the logistics market will increase. Second, the characteristics of consumers purchasing drugs include small and scattered and other factors, so logistics costs will increase. Therefore, the strength of the pharmaceutical companies third
Logistics may be a better choice, the New Deal will allow companies to entrust third-party logistics delivery of drugs, logistics companies can take this opportunity to build medical logistics system, to achieve the GSP system requirements, and the e-commerce supply chain connected to promote the rise of third-party logistics . Furthermore, pharmacies will become an important component of distribution, to participate in drug delivery, so that users can place an order immediately and deliver the medicine immediately. Finally, e-commerce logistics is expected to bring innovation to the logistics value chain, promote informationization, standardization, automation and process flow and further promote the transformation of logistics.

Medical institutions from medicine to service oriented model of transformation
China's public hospital drug revenue accounts for almost 45% of its total revenue 50%, "medicine to support medicine," deep-rooted. However, along with the general trend of separation of medicine, the pharmaceutical e-commerce will become one of the important drug delivery channels to the end consumers. As the share of medicine declines, the hospital will inevitably need to raise the prices of medical services to compensate for its existing income and to transform itself into a service-oriented model.
Up to now, five hospitals including Beijing Friendship Hospital, Chaoyang Hospital, Tiantan Hospital, Jishuitan Hospital and Tongren Hospital have launched pilot reform programs, adopting measures such as prescription reviews, unreasonable prescriptions, and double interviews with doctors and manufacturers. As of the end of November 2014, the proportion of total drugs in the five pilot hospitals dropped from 46.12% to 36.18% as compared with the average daily rate in the first half of 2012. In the successful pilot to promote the medical reform model, the proportion of public hospitals in the country is expected to reduce the proportion of medicine.

Retail pharmacies and e-commerce to enhance profit margins
Compared to retail pharmacies, pharmaceutical e-commerce providers have obvious advantages. The average SKU of merchandise can be up to twice as fast as that of the pharmacy. The price competitiveness is high, and the coverage of the consumer area is not limited by time and space. E-commerce development on the monomer, retail pharmacies affect the differentiation. For single drug stores, the concentration will be further enhanced. An important reason Monomer pharmacy bargaining power is weak, the price
Lack of competitiveness, you need to rely on differentiated drugs to profit, or will be in a vulnerable state and are being merged or integrated; and chain pharmacies will benefit from the tide of electricity providers, its upstream bargaining power, compared with the electricity supplier, the scale Under the effect of the price of a certain competitive edge. In addition, quality services are more difficult to be replaced immediately. Meanwhile, chain pharmacies can choose to work with e-commerce providers to achieve O2O-led traffic and enhance their profitability under the premise of mutual complementarity.
Patient initiative and options increase
Patients will undoubtedly benefit from the development of pharmaceutical e-commerce. On the one hand, the gradual transparency of medical prices, drug terminal prices will be reduced, consumers can more affordable prices, greater bargaining power to buy drugs; the other hand, mobile medication management allows consumers to buy medicine, medication, late Monitoring more timely and effective, to some extent, to ensure that the drug effect, improve the service of goods.
Medical e-commerce development with information technology innovation
The data generated by the pharmaceutical e-commerce companies can not only achieve drug regulation but also expand the overall health industry. E-commerce as the cut-off point, the establishment of user health records, integration of information, improve into a smart "cloud", can serve as a health platform service provider role, to provide customers with medication guidance and other value-added services. At the same time, you can also serve pharmaceutical manufacturers, including the flow of drugs and sales volume and other big data. Finally, using big data to make the pharmaceutical industry more transparent compels medical institutions and manufacturers to improve their products and services.
The development of pharmaceutical e-commerce requires participants to meet the needs of consumers as much as possible, that is, the seamless connection between the demand side and the supply side, so as to provide users with the best experience and further enhance the stickiness of using the e-commerce platform. Consumer demand for pharmaceutical e-commerce includes affordable pricing, quick pick up, diversified pharmaceuticals, quality service, and trust in the brand. These needs form a key element of whether or not a drug e-commerce provider can form an inbound traffic. Therefore, the construction of the supply side of the enterprise needs to be built around these needs, establish and enhance the corresponding internal capabilities, strengthen the flow of imports, and further turn consumers into sticky core user groups.
Trend Three: The pattern of e-commerce of medicine will develop in the mode of organic combination and mutual benefit and win-win
The future pattern of the development of e-commerce will depend on the interaction of two key elements: first, the participants control the medical resources; and second, whether the enterprise can guide the traffic conversion. Among them, the core of the control over medical resources covers the bargaining power of upstream drugs, the ability to integrate downstream hospitals and pharmacies, the ability to master logistics, and the ability to provide medical services. The establishment and transformation of the traffic flow is one of the major ways of realizing the medical e-commerce business besides value-added services and advertising.

Traditional pharmaceutical companies have access to medical resources
From the perspective of the control of medical resources, the three main bodies (pharmaceutical enterprises, commercial enterprises and chain pharmacies) have mastered the core resources of the pharmaceutical industry chain in varying degrees. The strength of resource integration and control is relatively higher than that of the third-party platform-based e-commerce Powerful, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The future pattern of the three main bodies may evolve toward both. First of all, for the pharmaceutical companies, the vertical e-commerce providers who own products with chronic diseases-related segments will have outstanding advantages. If they can strengthen their services through consolidation or self-construction, they will be expected to seize their competitors' shares. Second, chain pharmacies and commercial enterprises, because of their strong regional characteristics, have formed their own political situation. If they can expand into the national scope under the accumulation of regional integration, they will be expected to gain market opportunities.
Flow and user stickiness determine the power of the pharmaceutical e-commerce platform
From a traffic perspective, large Internet companies have strong traffic advantages. However, the control and integration capabilities of the pharmaceutical industry chain are relatively weak. Therefore, the pharmaceutical e-commerce business is launched in the form of a third-party platform.
Nevertheless, Internet companies can directly influence the docking and cooperation of the main bodies in the medical industry chain through huge traffic, forming the effect of forcing industries and expanding their discourse power, and can further utilize this force to integrate all parties in the industry chain. Therefore, in the future, Internet platforms with high traffic and high user stickiness will be expected to win, while pioneers will further form competitive barriers.
Cooperation and cooperation are the future trends
Pharmaceutical companies, chain pharmacies and commercial enterprises have strong integration and capability of upstream medical resources. However, the cost of self-built platform drainage needs high costs and still depend on third-party platform-oriented enterprises to attract traffic and expand their coverage radius. For the Internet companies, through the construction of platforms to meet the medical needs of the flow of traffic, will help its better integration in the future of the various sectors of the pharmaceutical industry chain, forcing the development of the industrial chain. Therefore, the deep interaction between the two parties is the key factor that determines the future development pattern of e-commerce in the pharmaceutical industry. However, it is a trend that the organic combination should give full play to each other's advantages and then share the benefits of the industrial chain together.
Trend 4: Medical e-commerce will promote the transformation of offline businesses
Line underline the urgency of significant expansion
In 2014, the scale of China's pharmaceutical retail market was 281.7 billion yuan, a weak growth environment. Sales volume of individual cities witnessed a negative growth. Many pharmaceutical companies had to reduce the number of shops because of the losses they suffered. As a result, pharmaceutical companies also started to divest offline pharmacy channels. In addition, pharmaceutical resources owned pharmaceutical companies are expanding their online presence and expanding their revenues beyond their core business. Recently, multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Sino-US Tianjin Shike Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tmall's official flagship store, became the first Chinese market opened since E-commerce channels of multinational pharmaceutical companies. Under the premise of policy opening up, it is an opportunity for offline pharmaceutical companies to expand and make up for the shortage of existing sales channels. Therefore, the transition from offline to online is a general trend. The face of online transformation, the choice of different modes need to be based on their own characteristics and positioning of the enterprise decision.

Leveraging third-party platform - "mainstream market"
Third-party platforms, especially the Internet giants, will attract consumers through subsidized strategies to generate huge traffic and create economies of scale. The advantage of this model is that pharmaceutical companies need not spend huge manpower and material resources to build a platform with low cost and high data transparency, which makes it easier for consumers to trust. Enterprises only need to focus on marketing and operations on the platform. Other details Can be delivered to third-party platform to complete. In addition, as e-commerce platforms have poorer medical resource development capabilities and plowing capabilities, offline pharmaceutical companies can cooperate with platforms to complement each other's resources.
The downside of this model is that third-party platforms can use traffic to force channel operators and chain pharmacies to force prices down, driving down corporate profits. After accumulating a large number of consumers, the platform may increase the cost of enterprises settled. At the same time, pharmaceutical e-commerce threshold further reduced; third-party trading platform for approval easier, so the mutual competition between the platforms or will become more intense, making the offline business may need to operate in more platforms, high operating costs .
Online self-employed - "Emerging Markets"
The advantage of taking self-support lies in the accumulation advantage of the offline pharmaceutical enterprises in the traditional business, including the advantages of categories and logistics can be converted online. Pharmaceutical logistics demands vary greatly from those of general consumer goods. Large pharmaceutical companies have the advantages of distribution and quality control so that they can achieve their transformation through the establishment of self-employed medical e-commerce providers. And self-service e-commerce can better provide membership personality
Professional management services, not limited to third-party platform standardized services, and provide differentiated services.
The disadvantages of this model lie in the high cost of investing in the technology platform and the introduction of traffic. Looking at the development of self-operated e-commerce platforms in other industries, most of the successful ones are mostly in the form of micro-profits. Therefore, self-built platform is more suitable for large-scale pharmaceutical enterprises or chain-based enterprises invested.
O2O - "potential market"
Due to the special nature of medicines, the needs of many consumers (eg medication safety) can not be fully met through the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to guide the online customers who need the medicine to store consumption and provide professional pharmacy services. The O2O model combines offline opportunities with the Internet to make the Internet a forecourt for offline transactions. It drives the sales of physical stores through online pharmacies while solving the last mile problem and enabling online pharmacies to stimulate the potential of physical pharmacies.
For offline enterprises, the O2O model can tap offline resources, facilitate transactions between online users and offline commodity services, and accurately measure consumer behavior so that enterprises can quickly make decisions, which is the potential market for the future. It is expected that the future third party and self-support platform will soon join this market, making the competition of O2O model more severe.
Trend Five: Internet mobile technology reshapes offline hospital operations and service processes
With the improvement of medical services, the development of medical technology and the increasingly complicated hospital management, medical informatization has become an indispensable tool for hospital development. In terms of the status of information systems in Chinese hospitals, most hospitals now have a hospital information management system, but the implementation rate of clinical information systems is still low. The hospital's use of information is also limited to basic financial and billing efforts, with limited limits to the optimization of clinical and service processes. At the same time, the hospital has no motive power to open up internal data. There is the problem of "information silos" in hospital informationization. The hospital systems are independent of each other and lack of standardized electronic medical records and business processes. As a result, the transfer procedures between patients and hospitals at all levels are complicated, Hinder the progress of grading medical treatment system.
The combination of internet mobile technology and traditional medicine has infused new vitality into the development of hospital informatization. The advantage of Internet mobile technology is that it can break through time and space constraints and promote information sharing and resource allocation. Its penetration will drive the process of hospital informatization and reshape the hospital's operating model and service processes. Hospitals dominate the medical system and gather the vast majority of medical activities and medical and pharmaceutical data. Therefore, the hospital is a key link in the layout of all parties in the process of combining mobile technology and healthcare on the Internet. With the participation of various capital markets, especially with the involvement of Internet giants with strong technical and financial strength, the upgrading and standardization of hospital information systems are expected to accelerate. The interconnection between Internet mobile technology and hospital information system can enable hospitals to share information instantaneously, promote the interaction between hospital doctors and patients, put packages suitable for online processing online, relieve medical staff from daily administrative tasks, Concentration in patient care and care, but also allow patients to seek medical treatment more convenient and quick.

With the support of Internet mobile technology, a new generation of hospitals will be more operational and service-oriented. At any time, doctors can know patient information (such as influencing archiving, blood tests, etc.) on their mobile devices, receive pre-warnings and understand the patient's condition after discharge. Health care teams can share information in real time to ensure close cooperation and reduce the probability of misinformation. The hospital can support the doctor's rational medication and treatment through the trial system and the auxiliary diagnosis system to improve the treatment effect and control the cost. Patients will no longer have to go through multiple complex medical treatment and multiple queuing, orderly completion of multiple medical links through the mobile device.
Trend VI: "Serving patients as the core", Internet medical services will promote the reconstruction of traditional medical service model
"Serving patients as the core" is a thinking model that Internet companies should have. Around this theme, Internet medical enterprises will combine the core demands of all parties in the Internet, mobile and sensor technology to coordinate the medical service system and establish a multi-faceted network of patients, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and social security, The new medical ecosystem with organic integration.
Online services will replace some of the traditional offline services, patients can get professional medical advice online, buy drugs and share experiences without having to take up offline resources. "Chun Yu doctor" is the forerunner in this field. It provides users with "self-examination + inquiry" function, has accumulated 48 million active users, with 60,000 registered doctors. Spring Rain is to meet the patient's shallow demand for medical services, saving patients time, but also played a diversion to ease the role of medical resources shortage.
Internet medical will meet the traditional medical care can not take into account the market segments. Excessive medical resources in our country have the disadvantages of being extremely weak in the fields of hospital medical care, health care and out-of-hospital rehabilitation. The rise of Internet medical has brought opportunities for the expansion of medical services. In view of the current layout of all parties, online medical services have covered almost all aspects of health care, covering areas such as health management, self-diagnosis and post-clinic rehabilitation assistance and monitoring. Typical applications include the health-managed pocket checkup , Pomelo; guidance services to the hospital, a doctor online and rehabilitation monitoring of sugar nurses, I Health BPM and so on.

Not only that, online and offline integration will continue to deepen. Online medical services and integrated platform Through the information processing and integration, so that some patients self-diagnosis or online access to professional services, but also the resources of all parties under the line, breaking the barriers of hospitals and geographical areas, to find a match for patients Doctors even organize medical teams to meet the multi-level medical needs from low-grade to high-end, from light consultation to severe disease. At present, participants in the healthcare market are already trying to unite online and offline resources to find business models that match their own resources, such as the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province that provides online services to patients based on their own medical resources. Platform Benefits Alibaba, a combination of offline clinics and hospitals, and Medline, which integrates personalized healthcare with an online platform. In the future, as online services mature and hospital processes are optimized, online and offline healthcare services will be more clearly defined and re-integrated. The future of medical services will no longer be confined to a hospital or territory, but a combination of online, offline and different geographical resources of the integrated services. Patients can choose online, offline or a combination of both visits and doctor team according to their own needs, and re-activation of offline medical resources will be more efficient.
Trend 7: Intelligent wearable devices into the depth of health care, hardware, software and related services usher in tremendous room for development
Into the Internet of Things era, smart wearable devices as consumers, medical and health services, data close to the typical representatives of the close attention. Wearable devices can be easily worn on the user or integrated into everyday objects, through software support and back-end platform and cloud data exchange integration, monitoring the user's physiological condition and the surrounding environment, allowing users to quickly view, get early warning or share information. Smart wearable devices with the ability to liberate their hands, environmental awareness, convenience, intelligence, long-lasting and focused features is expected to become a new generation of smart phones after the intelligent hardware hot spots. According to Analysys think tank data, China's wearable device market in 2013 was 900 million yuan, is expected to be expanded to 22.8 billion yuan in 2016.
According to Analysys 2014 Consumer Research, the top three areas in which wearable devices are currently used are health, exercise and healthcare. With the change of consumers' concept, the evolution of wearable devices, the improvement of supporting technologies, the integration of backstage systems and the improvement of data intelligence analysis capabilities, the application of wearable devices in the field of health management and medical assistance will also be strengthened. Some patients who had to be hospitalized for care were able to recover from home with close monitoring of wearable devices and seamless data sharing with health care workers, leaving the hospital beds to patients who really needed it. Consumers will be more willing to use wearable devices to detect their own health status and accept smart advice or online medical services based on back-office big data analytics. Medical services will also shift from a focus on "sick and talented" mode to a model that focuses on health prevention.
Of course, smart wearable devices in the medical field of value and not only for this. It enables seamless monitoring of user (including patient) status, breaking the time constraint of traditional healthcare. Based on the continuous improvement of cloud computing and big data analysis technologies, these data will be applied to the establishment of smart medical platforms and e-health service ecosystems by means of integration analysis, and will be used in the fields of pharmaceutical development, doctor-patient communication, hospital operation, consumer self Monitoring and other fields. Therefore, while hardware sales are still the major profit model, software and big data-based services will enjoy huge profit growth in the long run, especially when back-office systems are integrated and data are docked.

Trend Eight: Big Data of Medical Leads the Medical System into the Wisdom Age
Medical institutions
Much of the medical activity takes place in hospitals, so hospitals are the main source of medical and pharmaceutical information and the key card for acquiring and consolidating big data, which is crucial for the deployment of big data in healthcare. In terms of data application, the most important demands of the hospital for informationization are to ensure medical safety, improve efficiency and reduce costs. The application is extremely extensive and can involve internal management processes, service processes, clinical support, hospital costs, doctors' treatment behaviors and even Hospital resources integration and many other aspects, with great room for development.
Online medical company
The rapid rise of online medical companies will be another big source of medical data. Either medical e-commerce or online medical services, will accumulate a large number of medical drugs and health data, providing a rich treasure house for big data applications. At the same time, online medical companies will also be the main force in big data applications. Especially in the hospital is still a strong body of the medical system and hospital data is often difficult to obtain circumstances, through the analysis of their accumulated data to help pharmaceutical research and development and marketing, medical insurance companies and other types of packaging services will be expected to become a profit model .
Pharmaceutical companies
The application of big data will promote the transformation of pharmaceutical companies, such as the implementation of "precision medical", according to the patient's situation with a targeted clinical pathway; based on patient information and sales data to accurately locate the market and business development priorities and the use of sales information and online and offline Channels for more accurate marketing.
Commercial Insurance and Medicare Premiums
Commercial insurance and Medicaid companies make payment plans and benefits plans based on patient care and medication information, so data is critical to business growth. Big data will help refine its customer base, enrich its products and make pricing more accurate.
Government agencies
Data mining and application of depth will make the government's decision-making more scientific. For example, although the government strongly supports health-care control fees, there is no data support for drug and treatment reimbursement prices. The government hopes to strengthen supervision but lacks the necessary means to ease drug prices and facilitate diversified medical treatment. In these areas, the application of big data will make the government decision-making more accurate and effective.

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